Chemo will Kill you

What the 'professionals' won't tell you...

Question about quote on Main page on what is causing breast Cancer

"Our current estimate is that about 75% of the current annual incidence of breast cancer in the U.S. is being caused by earlier ionizing radiation, primarily from medical sources..."

John W. Goffman, M.D., Ph.D., Committee for Nuclear Responsibility, in Preventing Breast Cancer:

Could somebody clear this up on the main page it was quoted the above statement

being caused by earlier ionizing radiation, primarily from medical sources...?what type of things?

also is not most breast cancer caused by diet? here they claim 75% is due to being irradiated ?




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ok, Mikey, he is talking about..

1) Ionizing radiation..Mammograms (breast Xrays) and any type of scan that involes radiation such as full body scans, etc

2) Breast cancer is NOT caused by diet alone, although it is a contributing factor other things such as Hormone inbalanced (80% of breast cancers are estrogen positive), envoirmental factors, emotional factor, obesity, family history, previous injuries to that area are just some of the reasons it occurs and also the reasons why conventional medicine will never get ahead of this disease. They look for the ONE reason when in fact there are many reasons why it starts. For example 2 people could stand in the rain next to each other and yet only 1 of them gets a cold, why ? Because of different diet, yes maybe, but also due to a lot of other reasons

Personally it is my belief that people who eat the SAD diet leave themselves open to the effects of radiation and many other things because their Immune System is compromised severely. I think diet is of major importance in any disease.


Yes, a couple of years ago i would have agreed completely with your beliefs, however, thru personel experience i have come to the conclusion that some people have inherit slow/poor immune systems and even if their diet is better than someone elses they are still more at risk than others who eat more traditional foods.

I know someone who eats all the bad stuff, drinks everyday and smokes, yet gets over any illness in half the time of just about anyone else. I also know someone who eats a very green diet and battles illness and is very slow to heal, thus, having seen this many times over i have to conclude that diet whilst a very important role in our lives is not the only reason for illness. And also leads to to the fact that not all immune systems are equal no matter what we eat, if your body has a inherit slow immune system sometimes nothing will make it respond as fast as someone with a good one, even if you are eating all the good diet.

This problem is genetic and is passed down thru family lines, so if you are slow to heal and have trouble getting over illness then yes i would say diet is important as you need to keep your immune system going as best it can.

Radiation is all around us, it's in our mobile phones, our kitchens, even walking the street near power lines, sitting in a car with the radio or engine going, some radiation bombards us thru the atomsphere, there really is no safe haven and there never was, people have been bombarded with radiation since we spawned outta the slime and stated breathing the air, infact, some say the suns radiation may have played a role in the building blocks of life getting started in the first place. However a lot of the radiation today is man made and of a stronger and potentially more deadly variety.

Conventional medicines downfall is there complete inability to understand that diet plays a role in good health and bad, but i would not like to crate myself into the belief that it's the only reason.

Yes Mike You are probably right about the inherited sluggish Immune system and how some suffer more illness than others but after spending a lot of time with my raw foodist daughter and gaining so much info on the benefits of raw food I believe we are compromised just by cooking our food and we can make a difference just by being aware of the effects of bad food. The amount of nutrients lost and the load on our digestive systems made by cooked food not to mention the dehydrative effects is overwhelming. I know man has survived like this for many years but doubt that is called optimum health. My raw food daughter and her boyfriend amaze me with their physical feats and mainly on fruit. I think people even ones with compromised immune systems would gain better health and physical strength with a raw food diet.

I have a friend who has a kidney transplant and many problems that go with it and recently she has joined me on a vegan diet, she is having amazing results with recent blood tests confirming the extent of the improvement of her health. If she were raw the results would be even more dramatic. There is little we can do about the effects of modern technology, it is all around us but diet is the one thing we can do to influence the health outcome for ourselves.

Being over 60 myself I am very aware of the health of my friends and people in my age group and believe me it isn't good. People are dropping like flies to one illness or another but most it is related to the waistline and what they eat. Some don't understand that as you get older and your body is not new anymore and not functioning at it's peak, you need to make your eating habits better or your body won't cope and disease will result. Look around the people of today in our streets don't resemble the healthier lighter ones of my parents era when heart disease and cancer were a rarity.

Battling radiation is a twentieth century and beyond problem and I am unsure of the extent of the effects on us but it can't be good. It would be better to simplify our lives but it seems unlikely at this stage of our progress.

While I too know that diet is a huge influence on our lives you are so right about other factors that are beyond our control.

The Nut Lady said:

Personally it is my belief that people who eat the SAD diet leave themselves open to the effects of radiation and many other things because their Immune System is compromised severely. I think diet is of major importance in any disease.


Genetic plays a role but diet plays a bigger one, look at Ruth Hiedrich (check out her video).Genetics comes into play when you doing things wrong some will get sick faster then others, but if you do things right you never develop these diseases (unless exposed enough to toxins)

I talked to a guy at a raw potluck he battled cancer all his life so genetically predisposed to it. He was in stage 4 the last time the doctors said he was done go home and make funeral arrangements at 24 years old. It was then he took his health in his own hands, did research went raw and has been in remission 8 years later and healthy and happy for those years. Why I know diet is super powerful is because even people who are sick and considered nothing else can be done come back and heal from things like MS, cancer, etc. Sure there is alot of toxic things in the environment but diet still is able to reverse most things which shows it is still mostly diet that is doing us in. I hope we never live in environment that is so toxic that no matter what we do we will be sick (unfortunately we seem to heading there full speed)

You are so right Mikey Raw rocks. The environment is beyond our control but our diet is our key to survival. Ruth Heidrich is a legend and i have listened to her story many times on my MP3. Dr John McDougall is also a great inspiration.

Mikey said:

Genetic plays a role but diet plays a bigger one, look at Ruth Hiedrich (check out her video).Genetics comes into play when you doing things wrong some will get sick faster then others, but if you do things right you never develop these diseases (unless exposed enough to toxins)

I talked to a guy at a raw potluck he battled cancer all his life so genetically predisposed to it. He was in stage 4 the last time the doctors said he was done go home and make funeral arrangements at 24 years old. It was then he took his health in his own hands, did research went raw and has been in remission 8 years later and healthy and happy for those years. Why I know diet is super powerful is because even people who are sick and considered nothing else can be done come back and heal from things like MS, cancer, etc. Sure there is alot of toxic things in the environment but diet still is able to reverse most things which shows it is still mostly diet that is doing us in. I hope we never live in environment that is so toxic that no matter what we do we will be sick (unfortunately we seem to heading there full speed)

"My raw food daughter and her boyfriend amaze me with their physical feats and mainly on fruit. I think people even ones with compromised immune systems would gain better health and physical strength with a raw food diet." quote..The Nut Lady

I have 3 Daughters and a son all who eat conventional foods and all heathly, infact the 28yr old has 4 children under 4 and birthed twins naturally (much to the doctors disdain) and got her figure back in less than 2 weeks. Other children are all strong and well, my son works out everyday, and they all work 40-60 hrs a week, but at 20-35 are not we all (baring chronic disease) in our prime years?

I agree with diet, but i also believe in moderation in all things, going to far to the left causes a reaction from the right, and vice versa. To be honest and i mean no disrepect, i have never seen a well built evenly porportioned vegan, they tend to be on the light side and look too lean in my opinion. I honestly can't see how eating fruit raw or veges only will sustain your body with an even spread of vitamins, calcium, and iron. My worry with young people on these diets is it sounds good, but in the long term will they lack these vitamins and protiens and run into trouble further down the line?

Vegans say we shouldn't eat meat and we were never made to do so, this may be correct, i don't know, but if we look at archaeology digs going back to primal man 25,000 ago or longer they find cooking areas with animal bones, so it would seem to the open minded person that infact it may be part of a meant to be diet, please enlighten me as to the vegan response to this.

Hi Mike G,

I am glad your family is healthy and happy (although I do find when you probe a little deeper people say that but when you really ask, they say well I do have eczema, or still get acne, or have anxieties, or have bad menstrual cramps, or pms syptoms, or don't sleep well, need coffe to keep me going, or ....).

Even if they have no problems at all how much healthier could they feel?

Nut lady's daughter and boyfriend had serious health issues but by going on this diet they are now examples of health and vitality. As many can attest to, I am there as well :)


Take a look at Dr.Mcdougalls info (This is a low fat cooked vegan diet)


Many people go into veganism because of health issues therefore are not the healthiest looking people. But there are tons of healthy looking vegans and world class athletes (carl lewis, scott Jurek, etc)

Here is just people on the LFRV diet


Don't really get why it is relevant what they were eating 25000 years ago, that basically had to do with there situated. They ate what they could to survive based on there environment.


I am pleased your family is well but they are young people at a time when your body should be very well only time will present problems, hopefully not for yours but it happens to most.Vegans come in many shapes and sizes, I have seen very lean ones and bodybuilders, my own son is a vegan bodybuilder and really looks buff. He has to as he works as a personal trainer. Look up vegan you will see some mean examples of Vegans. As for being nutrionionally deficient on a raw diet the reverse is true. When we cook food we destroy up to 60% of nutrional value and all enzymes therefore cooked food eaters are actually challenged to get enough nutrients from their worn out food. We in the Western world have come to view people with weight on as desirable when in actual fact if we were to survive in the natural enviroments we evolved in we had to be lean and ready to move quickly. Many big meat eaters are unfit and carrying too much weight and that is because their arteries are sludged up with unwanted fats. I have many friends in older age groups  who are vegan and looking good whilst their counterparts on the SAD are looking unwell, overweight and suffering no end of problems and many, many visits to Doctors. Doctors love people on the Standard Australian/American Diet, they are called patients. 25,000 years in a mere minute on our evolutionary journey and never have we been so ill.

No Mikey none of them suffer from any of those, all are very well, the only person in the house that eats nearly all green and has always done and all the good things, eg, sleep, meditation, yoga, diet, etc, is my wife who was diagnosed with breast cancer just on 2 years ago....go figure, can't help but make me wonder if there isn't just a greater force at work in our lives and we really are kidding ourseleves if we think we can do anything to change his/her plans.

And no she chose not to go with radiation/chemo...doing ok atm, but who knows...i know dam sure the doctors don't.

My father is 86 and lived on bacon/eggs in the morning, bout the same for lunch and then snags and mash for dinner, smoked till he got TB in the 50's had a lobe removed, and done well since, yes he is a patient now as he has lymp node cancer, but at 86 he has no friends left (or not many) his age and finds life since mum died quite lonely...makes me wonder if we shouldn't maybe plan for a good time rather than a long time.

And i never said anything about BIG meat eaters, i simply stated that moderation in all things is my rule of thumb. As i said going to far to the left causes a reaction from the right, and vice versa

My Dad died 2 years ago, at 87yrs from complications of the Gall Bladder but his last years were not pleasant because even though he tried to be active(as he had always been)He found it difficult because his arteries in his legs were almost totally closed, he ate too many fatty products but as you say there were not a lot of his friends left either I think he would have been happy to live on  if he was well as Mum is still here(92yrs) but  it became too painful and he was happy to go. I think the stats say that vegans live an average of 8-12yrs longer than the average so I like those odds. As a vegan I also need to say it isn't just about the health issues, it is also about the dreadful way in which we treat our animals. If you have seen any animal welfare videos you will know how bad it is. Many people choose not to look because it upsets them and they may have to confront where their meat is actually coming from. The cruelty is beyond defence.

Anyway we will have to respect each other opinions  and hope that our own lives are healthy because of the choices we make.

Sorry to hear about your wife,

There is no doubt in mind that we have a certain amount of control over are destiny there are many examples to proves this. Without a doubt cancer is reversible, I know people who have done so and so are many of the horrible diseases we suffer. Find the cause eliminate and allow the body to heal (diet is still the main cause for most things). I have seen this in my own life and with friends. I controlled my brothers diabetes with just diet in 2 days as well as another friend. Nothing to do with destiny its about knowing the cause and correcting it.

I am glad your kids are doing well and I hope they stay that way.

Unfortunately there are many people who seem fine and then bam there body finally breaks down (it has great coping mechanisms for what we do to it). My sister was a great athlete till 21 then suddenly she got Chrons, she almost died twice due to the condition and was hospitalized numerous times.

With your Wifes Cancer there can be other factors that can come into play, toxic environment, or something else there is no doubt some people can more predisposed (but usually if lifestyle and diet are good it will not arise and in most cases can be reversed).

But diet is so huge that it is really important to dissect her diet, just eating more salads may not be enough if you are still eating certain foods (do you mind listing exactly the foods she eats). Also it is not just the foods but how you eat them and in the amounts. Look at the video with Dr.Ruth she ran every day, ate lean chicken, fish, rice, veggies, fruit, greens, considered to be a very healthy diet by society but when she went vegan her cancer stabilized in a month at age 48 and is now 76 still running triathlons.

The china study shows that when people start to go over 10-20% in fat and 10-20% in protein diseases and cancers start to rise. We have lost are way on what to eat and how to eat.

I have a bit of a problem with the moderation theory, thats what keeps most people mentally feeling okay about what they eat but shows little results in curing anything. In life the people who win the gold, who conquer diseases, etc go extreme. To get extreme results you usually need to go extreme.Did you ever hear an olympic champion said he trained in moderation.

what if what is considered extreme is actually the norm?.



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