What the 'professionals' won't tell you...
During the 1980s and 1990s I wrote a 600 page unpublished health book. This post is one of the chapters of the book. The chapter is: What is Cancer?
What Is Cancer?
By George S Gray
‘Sit down before fact as a child.
Be prepared to give up every preconceived notion.
Follow humbly where Nature leads,
or you will learn nothing.’
Thomas Huxley
Dr. Otto Warburg was a double Nobel Prize winner. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine for his discovery of the oxygen-transferring enzyme of cell respiration in 1931. He was again awarded the Nobel Prize for his discovery of the active groups of the hydrogen transferring enzymes in 1944. The universities of Oxford, Harvard and Heidelberg conferred honorary degrees upon him.
As a member of the Royal Society of London and a Knight of the Order of Merit founded by Frederick the Great, he was also awarded the Great Cross with Star and Shoulder Ribbon of the Bundesrepublik.
His research covered 60 years whereby he published over 500 research papers and 5 books. Dr Dean Burk, chief of the Cytochemistry Department of the US National Cancer Institute, considered him the world’s greatest biochemist at the time. As Director of the Max Plank Institute for Cell Physiology, Berlin-Dahlem, Germany, he gave a lecture at the meeting of the Nobel-Laureates on 30th June 1966 at Lindau, Lake Constance, Germany. The English edition is by Dean Burk, of the National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, Maryland. Dr. Warburg explained what he believed cancer to be and what the prime cause of cancer was. He said:
Cancer, above all other diseases, has countless secondary causes. But, even for cancer, there is only one prime cause. Summarized in a few words, the prime cause of cancer is the replacement of the respiration of oxygen in normal body cells by a fermentation of sugar. All normal body cells meet their energy needs by respiration of oxygen, whereas cancer cells meet their energy needs in great part by fermentation. All normal body cells are thus obligate aerobes, whereas all cancer cells are partial anaerobes. From the standpoint of physics and chemistry of life, this difference between normal and cancer cells is so great that one can scarcely picture a greater difference. Oxygen gas, the donor of energy in plants and animals is dethroned in the cancer cells and replaced by an energy yielding reaction of the lowest living forms, namely, a fermentation of glucose.
The key to the cancer problem is accordingly the energetics of life, which has been the field of work of the Dahlem institute since its initiation by the Rockefeller Foundation about 1930. In Dahlem the oxygen transferring and hydrogen transferring enzymes were discovered and chemically isolated. In Dahlem the fermentation of cancer cells was discovered decades ago; but only in recent years has it been demonstrated that cancer cells can actually grow in the body almost with only the energy of fermentation. Only today can one submit, with respect to cancer, all the experiments demanded by Pasteur and Koch as proof of the prime cause of a disease. If it is true that the replacement of oxygen-respiration by fermentation is the prime cause of cancer, then all cancer cells without exception must ferment, and no normal cell ought to exist that ferments in the body.
An especially simple and convincing experiment performed by the Americans Malmgren and Flanegan confirms this view. If one injects tetanus spores, which can germinate only at very low oxygen pressures, into the blood of healthy mice, the mice do not sicken with tetanus, because the spores find no place in the normal body where the oxygen pressure is sufficiently low. Likewise, pregnant mice do not sicken when injected with the tetanus spores, because also in the growing embryo no region exists where the oxygen pressure is sufficiently low to permit spore germination. However, if one injects tetanus spores into the blood of tumour-bearing mice, the mice sicken with tetanus, because the oxygen pressure in the tumours can be so low that the spores can germinate. These experiments demonstrate in a unique way the anaerobiosis of cancer cells and the non-anaerobiosis of normal cells, in particular the non-anaerobiosis of growing embryos.
Ross Horne the author of the book “Cancerproof Your Body” page 57., adds to Dr. Otto Warburg’s words saying:
Whereas Dr. Otto Warburg summarized the prime cause of cancer to be ‘the replacement of the respiration of oxygen on normal healthy body cells by the fermentation of sugar’, I think it would be more correct to say that the replacement of cells’ oxygen respiration by fermentation is more a description of what happens, while the actual cause of why this happens is the factor which in the first place deprives the cells of normal respiration and forces them to ferment if they are to survive. This factor is the cancer milieu: the polluted and inadequate milieu (environment within) in which the cells are struggling to survive.
It may be asked how conditions within the body can affect healthy tissues to deprive them of oxygen in a manner anything like the laboratory methods of Warburg and others so to start the cancer process.
Before answering that question it should be understood that the restriction to a healthy cell’s oxygen respiration does not cause that cell to de-differentiate––it influences that cell to divide into two daughter cells (mitosis) and it is these that are no longer fully differentiated. The two cells may be only slightly abnormal, and it may take many subsequent cell divisions in a worsening milieu (the body chemistry; environment within) before proceeding to cancer in the body. In the laboratory Warburg provided extreme conditions which produced cancer cells from healthy cells in only two subdivisions, but nevertheless it was the same process.
Although the cancer milieu exists throughout the entire body as a constitutional disorder, the condition of pre-cancer proceeds to cancer only when the effected cells are required to undergo cell division (mitosis), and for this reason primary cancer does not occur in tissues where there is no cell division.
Nerve cells do not undergo cell division, and cell division is infrequent in muscle cells. If circulatory conditions deteriorate enough, such tissues may ulcerate and proceed to gangrene and necrosis, but they do not produce primary cancer. Nerves and muscles can, however, support metastasized cancer (secondary cancer), which has found its way there from a primary elsewhere. Cell division, whether in normal tissue renewal or in the healing of injury or irritation, while an essential step in the formation of primary cancer, cannot be considered a cause of cancer, as cell division is a completely natural and normal occurrence.
Now to answer the question! How is the oxygen respiration of healthy body cells impaired by the cancer milieu?
The cells’ oxygen respiration can be disturbed in several ways:
1. Diminished supply of oxygen due to sluggish circulation of sludged, sticky blood containing low concentrations of oxygen; circulation restricted by tight clothing.
2. By the absence of sufficient respiratory enzymes, even when adequate oxygen is available.
3. By the inactivation or destruction of enzymes by carcinogens.
4. By a combination of these.
Ross Horne pointed out that the extent to which each of the above factors contributed to the problem must vary considerably. Horne further said that Drs. Warburg, Koch, Gerson and Moerman tended to place the emphasis on enzyme impairment in the causation of primary cancer. While he showed that Warburg considered the break-down of cell respiration to be due primarily to the absence of what he called ‘active respiratory substances’ inadequately supplied in the diet, and to a lesser extent poor oxygen supply in the circulation, he thought that carcinogens were involved by their affect of inhibiting the actions of the active respiratory substances such as iron salts, vitamins B1, B2, B5, B12 and nicotinamide.
An important point that Ross Horne refers to from Dr. Koch’s observations is the persistence of toxaemia over a period as long as 20 years before the appearance of cancer. The cells’ respiratory cycle breaks down when various toxic amines de-activate the key respiratory components of the cells. He called these key respiratory components the ‘functional carbonyl group’ (FCG). Although oxygen transport from the blood was reduced by poor circulation and gelation of tissue colloids, Dr. Koch said that this alone without the deactivation of the FCG was not sufficient to cause cancer. The large elimination of lactic acid was evidence of fermentation even when the lungs were well ventilated.
Horne’s research showed that Dr. Gerson divided the cancer process into two components: the general component and the local component. ‘The general component’, he said, ‘comprises mainly the deterioration of the essential organs of the digestive tract, chiefly the liver. There the damage is done by a permanent daily poisoning brought about by our modern civilization.’ The subsequent change in cells from normal to embryonic form, using fermentation, he ascribed to an inadequacy of oxidizing enzymes and the presence in the cells of excessive sodium and a shortage of potassium. This is the local component.
Horne further showed that Drs. Bell and Moerman, observed that cancer only appeared in tissues that were chronically sick. Moerman said: ‘ In perfectly sound tissues, cancer has never yet to my knowledge come into being.’ He also said, the factor that finally caused the breakdown in cell respiration was injury to the oxygenating power of the cell due to the absence of nutritional substances such as vitamins A, B complex, C and E, together with an absence of citric acid, iron, iodine, sulphur and others in combination with an adverse sodium-potassium ratio.
Ross Horne then pointed out that all the opinions related to the cause of cancer in its primary form, and that metastasis of primary cancer involves different factors to do with the transport and settlement of already existing cancer cells. He then went on to talk about the role of blood sludge and blood viscosity. He pointed out that the bloodstream is referred to as ‘the river of life’ for obvious reasons, and then showed how it brings nourishment and oxygen to tissue cells, while it also removed the cells’ waste products for elimination. He correctly showed that the blood must be right in the chemical sense but also in the physical sense––it must flow freely.
He further blamed excess protein and dietary fat for the blood sludge and its associated viscosity (stickiness), while he also pointed out that the food commonly consumed played a part in varying degrees. These are made worse by alcohol, coffee, etc., along with stress both mental and physical. Medical drugs can also have an affect on sludging.
Ross Horne then referred to the blood being sticky and sludgy causing the heart to work harder to maintain circulation. This effort by the heart will be reflected by the increase in blood pressure, while the sticky sludgy blood will perhaps block many of the smaller blood vessels for long periods, so diminishing the supply of blood to the affected tissues. He went on to point out that, the lymph (interstitial fluid), being part of the blood, is similarly handicapped; its function of cleansing the cells and removing their toxic wastes is curtailed. When their own wastes in varying degrees poison the cells, and they are poorly supplied with oxygen and essential nutrients, they get sick and the tissues degenerate.
I agree with all the above information, but, there is one important consideration that has not been mentioned––the role of yeasts in the subsequent unhealthy condition of the blood and ultimately the whole body––leading to cancer.
Cancer & Yeasts
Before Dr. Warburg made his famous discovery of the oxygen respiratory enzymes, it was common knowledge among many physicians for a long time that cancer or malignancy was associated with low oxygen concentrations in the affected tissue and that cancer cells were anaerobic or partially anaerobic, being dependent on fermentation partly or wholly for their life energy just like cells in growing yeast cultures.
Does this mean that cancer has a definite connection with yeasts? Yes, all cancer cells in humans have a fungoid composition. This fungoid composition can, among other things, be attributable to the proliferation of yeasts such as Candida albicans, which alters the internal chemistry of the body upsetting the endocrine glands, weakening the immune system and allowing the transformation of microzymas into micro-yeasts.
Antoine Béchamp, Royal Rife and Gaston Naessens observed these micro-yeasts. These micro-yeasts change further into micro-mycelial-fungal forms, which make up the fungoid composition of human cancer cells. It was believed by some researchers that Candida albicans was the fungus present in cancerous tumours, but it is now obvious from the findings of more up to date researchers that the micro-fungal composition is due to the pleomorphic cancer organism known as the somatid.
In the 1930s, Royal Rife claimed to have discovered live viruses with the aid of his wonderful Universal Microscope, which provided amplification levels of 60,000 times without killing the specimen. He claimed that he was able to observe live viruses and their reaction to certain stimuli. In violation of the strongest medical dogma––the germ theory of disease, he claimed to have observed that bacteria could change into viruses and viruses could change form. The word virus is used in very loose terms today and is often misused in describing bacteria (see the chapter Exposing The Myth of The Germ Theory).
Rife showed two forms of the cancer organism, which he named ‘BX virus’ and ‘BY virus’. He ultimately found the electromagnetic light frequency that killed them, and he called this frequency the Mortal Oscillary Rate (MOR), which was specific for each organism. He demonstrated the effectiveness of the MOR in killing the two organisms before hired vandals destroyed his five valuable microscopes. The idea that these micro sized bacteria could change form into yeasts and fungi, came later in the 1940s through the work of Dr. Gaston Naessens.
According to many, the view of medical science is on the verge of being radically altered by the use of a powerful microscope called the Somatoscope, developed by Gaston Naessens of Quebec, Canada. Magnifications levels of 20,000 to 30,000 diameters––well above the 2,500- diameter limit of conventional microscopes, has been reached with this incredible device. What Rife accomplished optically in the 1930s with his Universal Microscope, Naessens accomplished with a combination of optics and electronics in his Somatoscope in the 1940s–.
Earlier in this book I referred to the great controversy between Louis Pasteur and Antoine Béchamp, a well known professor of physics, toxicology, medical chemistry and biochemistry. Béchamp’s work led him to discover ‘microzymas’ (tiny ferments) which were characterized by many small bodies in his fermenting solutions.
Without the wonderful inventions of Rife or Naessens, but, with his crude equipment, Béchamp was able to observe that the microzymas underwent dramatic transformations during their cycle of life. Because of his discovery Béchamp put forward the idea that the cause for disease lay within the body, but, Pasteur’s false germ theory held that the cause came from without.
Pasteur was very vocal with his belief and his outspokenness helped the false germ theory win out and dominate medical philosophy as it still does today. However, it has now been revealed that Pasteur was wrong in his theory––the cause for disease came from without. It is now well known by many that the cause for disease lay within the body, but medical science does not want this information to become widespread among the people.
The Somatid Cycle of Life
Gaston Naessens has discovered an ultramicroscopic, subcellular, living and reproducing microscopic form, which he called a ‘somatid ’ (tiny body). He was able to culture this new particle outside the host’s body, and observe that it had a pleomorphic (form-changing) 16-stage cycle of life. Only the first three stages of the somatid’s cycle of life are considered normal. When the immune system is weakened because of reasons such as: chemical pollution, electric fields, ionizing radiation, chemotherapy, prescription drugs, harmful, nutrient deficient diets, stress, and the affects of Candida albicans fungal/yeast infections, the somatids go through the other thirteen stages of their cycle of life.
Naessens’ research has found that certain diseases are associated with the development of forms in the sixteen-stage cycle of life of the somatids. The unique ability to associate a specific disease with a specific stage in the somatid’s cycle of life has enabled Naessens to ‘prediagnose’ conditions in advance of when they would clinically appear.
This discovery by Naessens puts him at odds with today’s orthodox medical philosophy, which wholeheartedly embraces Pasteur’s false germ theory. Microbiology may need to be rewritten because of the ability of Naessens to culture somatids. Dr Gaston Naessens stated:
I’ve been able to establish a life cycle of forms in the blood that add up to no less than a brand new understanding of the basis of life. What we are talking about is an entirely new biology, one out of which has fortunately sprung practical applications of benefit to sick people, even before all of its many theoretical aspects have been sorted out.
The culmination of Naessens’ research has been the discovery of an enzyme––714X, which according to reports helps the immune system to function efficiently. This enzyme is derived from camphor and is injected interlymphatically. The medical profession believes this process to be impossible. However, it appears that many people have learned the art of administering the medication through lymph nodes.
It has been reported, that in most cases when 714X is correctly administered, it stabilizes and strengthens the immune system, thus allowing it to perform its normal function in ridding the body of disease. Cancer is treated as an infection, not a state of cells. Naessens’ statement: “Germs are not the cause of but the result of, disease”, is in harmony with Béchamp and Rife before him. It has been stated that 714X will not help everyone, especially where there has been extensive use of chemotherapy and radiation, which wipes out the immune system. For a list of doctors prescribing 714X or an information packet, contact:
4810 St Paul Boulevard
Rochester, NY 14617,USA
Phone: 1 800 448 4332.
Dr Ruth Cilento, in her book: Heal Cancer, Choose Your Own Survival Path, said:
Research with Naessens’ microscope reconfirms what previous scientists had found not just from its recognition of cell-wall-deficient organisms (CWDOs) but because it demonstrates that their cell division can be initiated by micro-organisms within the body, given a suitable internal environment.....
This is verified by Virginia Livingston’s discovery that a growth hormone (similar to chorio gonadotrophin) is made by the cancer organism.
More and more scientists are now substantiating Naessens’ work, regardless of the controversies among the ignorant.
The Cancer Organism
The Somatid
Here is Gaston Naessens description of the cancer organism he calls “the somatid”, quoted from Aids, Cancer and the Medical Establishment by Raymond Keith Brown, M.D.
The standard microscope permits a maximal enlargement to 1800X with a maximal resolution (index of clarity) of 0.1 micron. The electron microscope can achieve an enlargement into the millions with a resolution of 30 to 50 angstroms but the object of study must be dried and fixed so that only its skeletal outlines can be seen.
Using a combination of laser and ultraviolet technology, we have developed an instrument, which we call the ‘Somatoscope’ that permits the observation of living organisms up to a magnification of 30,000 with a resolution of 150 angstroms. Because of the infinite time and intricacies of working at the higher magnifications, most of our work has been done at the lower ranges.
With this instrument, we have observed in all biologic liquids, and particularly in the blood, an elementary particle endowed with movement and possessing a variable life cycle of many forms. We have called this particle a ‘somatid’ and in the proper media, it can be isolated and cultured. Its dimensions vary from a few angstroms to 0.1 of a micron and it is present in the blood of all individuals. It is the diversity of forms emerging in many disease states that distinguishes their possessors from healthy individuals.
We postulate and have evidence that the normal life cycle of this organism consists of somatids, spores and double spores and that these produce a hormone-like substance (which have been termed ‘trefons’ after the usage of Alexis Carrel), that initiate cell division within the body. In healthy individuals, the somatid cycle is regulated and controlled by blood inhibitors.
If, due to stress or other biologic disturbances, these inhibitors within the blood (trace minerals and organic substances) are diminished, the relatively simple cycle of somatids, spores and double spores is diverted into another and more elaborate cycle; one then sees with the tissues, and particularly within the blood, the diverse forms of bacteria known as ‘Syphonospora Polymorpha’ that were so well demonstrated by the German scientist von Brehmer in the 1930s. Within this group can be placed the wide range of mutable organisms that have been variously described as ‘Pleomorphic Organisms’, ‘L’forms, or ‘Cell Wall Deficient Organisms’.
Little is known of bacterial evolution and there is no really adequately comprehensive classification for many microbial forms but it appears that the infinite variations of pleomorphic bacteria that are present in many disease states can be aligned within the expanded somatid cycle. They can be aerobic, anaerobic, motile or non-motile, with varying staining capacity. The pathogenically prominent Mycobacteria evolve and burst, releasing yeast-like ‘levurids’ at a level which can be termed ‘fungal’ although this term applies more to the appearance than the physical characteristics of the organisms. The ‘Levurids’ evolve through ‘ascospores’ to ‘asci’, which are indistinguishable by ordinary laboratory means from small lymphocytes. Forming cytoplasm, the ‘asci’ in an adequately nutritious environment develop as ‘thalli’ whose walls burst and liberate an enormous quantity of new somatids that initiate another complete cycle. The fibrous thallus, emptied of its cytoplasm and contents, is often observed on stained smears and catalogued and dismissed as being an artifact.
In our laboratory we can show that derivatives of the somatid cycle, and other substances that react with these organisms, are capable of effects that pertain to many current problems and challenges of medicine. They are relevant to cancer, organ transplantation and many aspects of degenerative diseases.
Stages In The Somatids’ Cycle Of Life
According to Gaston Naessens, life itself would not be possible without the somatids. Below are the sixteen stages in the life cycle of the somatids, but notice that there are two other conditions mentioned: 15a and 16a.
1. Somatids
2. Spores
3. Double spores
4. Bacterial form
5. Double bacterial form
6. Rod form
7. Bacterial form with
8. Bacterial form with
9. Microbial globular double spores granular double spores forms
10. Microbial globular
11. Bursting
12. Yeast forms
13. Ascopore form
14. Asci form
15. Mycelial form
15a. Poor milieu
16. Rich milieu
16a. Resistant mycelial form
Yeasts such as Candida albicans play a major role in bringing about conditions that cause and support cancer. They alter the body chemistry, and in conjunction with the modern unnatural, harmful, nutrient deficient diet, bring about the sticky conditions in the blood referred to as blood sludge, whereby the oxygen carrying capacity of the blood is impaired. The cancer organism, the somatid, can then change to a more dangerous life form, resulting in cancer in the unhealthy body.
Garlic Kills Cancer
Researchers have noticed that there are certain people who do not have many incidences of cancer, and these people consume garlic, olive oil and wine regularly. Dr. Gerson in his book A Cancer Therapy, mentions garlic and the rare incidence of cancer where it is used, believing it cannot be explained. He says:
The rare incidence of malignant tumours in countries where garlic is used in greater amounts (such as Southern Italy, Greece, Montenegro, Yugoslavia) cannot be explained.
Today many think that the explanation is simple. They say garlic counteracts the excess fat in the blood, thinning it out so that the blood can flow easier, thus relieving circulatory problems and lowering blood pressure of people consuming a high fat diet.
It is true that garlic does indeed do all those things, but the main benefits of garlic are: it stops fermentation, kills yeasts, fungi and cancer cells, while stimulating the immune system.
The explanation then, for the low incidence of cancer in those countries is relatively simple and obvious. Garlic is what protects them from yeasts, fungi, and cancer.
Olive oil inhibits the transformation of Candida albicans to its more dangerous mycelial fungal form. It contains oleic acid, which acts upon the yeast in the same way as biotin.
Drinking wine after a meal is immeasurably healthier than drinking tea, coffee, cola or chocolate drinks.
Tea, coffee, cola and chocolate drinks contain caffeine, which stops the absorption of essential minerals calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium if taken within one hour before and three hours after eating.
Benjamin Lau, MD., PhD., carrying out experiments in cancer biology and immunology reported that tumour sizes were reduced when garlic was injected systemically, and an even greater reduction occurred when the injection was local. He further showed that after five such treatments the cancer was cured.7
Cancer develops in humans because of a yeast infection, together with harmful nutrient deficient diets that continually feed the yeast. This combination causes a person to develop an unhealthy immunodeficient condition, allowing the somatids to progress to a more dangerous stage in their life cycle, while the blood becomes sludged and sticky; unable to convey oxygen efficiently. The yeast further attacks in fungal form, aerobic body cells struggling to survive in the low oxygen conditions prevailing. The aerobic cells try to survive and consequently divide into two daughter cells, which are partial anaerobes, and after further divisions, the cells have fully de-differentiated. These cells are partial anaerobic cancer cells of fungoid composition, reproducing needlessly.
These cells have become the same as undifferentiated embryonic cells, partially anaerobic, multiplying rapidly, as if out of control. The main difference is that the cancer cells have a fungoid composition, whereas embryonic cells do not have a fungoid composition. The oxygen-starved body cells of fungoid composition in an unhealthy body have de-differentiated; that is they have taken steps backwards as each new cell division occurred. They have reverted towards their ancestral form of partial anaerobic embryonic cells that multiply rapidly.
Aerobic bacteria or microorganisms live on free oxygen, as do healthy human body cells.
Anaerobic bacteria or microorganisms do not need free oxygen, but rely on the fermentation of glucose.
To fully explain the situation, one needs to start at the beginning, or at conception. When the sperm and egg combine, they form one cell. This cell is partially anaerobic, and does not require free oxygen to survive. It then starts multiplying as if out of control, becoming two, then four, eight, sixteen, thirty two and so on. These cells are called ‘embryonic cells’, and they are all identical.
After some time the embryo becomes attached to the mother’s circulatory system, and it receives oxygen and other nutrients from her bloodstream. The cells now become fully aerobic, depending on the free oxygen. The embryo now called a foetus continues to grow, but now the cells start to appear different––they start to differentiate. They begin to change form becoming different from each other, with some changing to become heart cells, while others become skin cells, bone cells, and muscle cells etc. This changing process is called differentiation, meaning the cells that were once all identical have now differentiated––become different to make up the various parts of the body.
The important point to note is that all the cells are now aerobic, fully dependent on the free oxygen from the mother’s bloodstream. Another important point is that now there are constraints to growth, whereas when the cells were partially anaerobic there seemed to be no constraints to growth.
Only so many cells are needed to make a heart, lung, or pancreas, and when the particular organ is completed, then no more cells of that type are produced. This means that the cells are now fully differentiated and under the constraints of nature’s programme, which is inbuilt in all healthy human processes. Normal healthy cells do not multiply needlessly as do cancer cells, which are abnormal.
All earthly living creatures are made of various tissues composed of many tiny cells. Each tiny cell has its own life cycle but is also dependent on the other cells in the local area and ultimately on the whole number of cells that go to make up the living organism. Hence, each tiny cell lives and co-operates in harmony with all the other cells while conditions are favourable. Each cell’s motto is self-preservation at all cost, even if it means that the cell’s descendants need to change to a lower stage of development and become independent, deviating, partial anaerobic cells of fungoid composition to survive––by doing this the cells become cancer cells.
In the human body, the life of an individual body cell is relatively short. Body cells are constantly wearing out and being replaced. When a body cell is worn out, a healthy cell divides into two to replace the worn out cell. When an injury occurs to the tissues, cells multiply to heal the injury.
Nature has programmed the process of cell production and replacement perfectly, whereby the exact number of cells is produced and no more. These perfect constraints to growth of the cells protect the human body from cancer, as long as the body is adequately nourished and kept free from yeast infection.
Cancer cannot arise in healthy tissue in a healthy body. It is obvious that before cancer can possibly occur in any locality, the health of the affected part has already been seriously compromised.
Yeast infections, harmful diets and prescription drugs are the main reasons human health is compromised. Yeast will not stop in its efforts to take over the body it inhabits. Even if you are only slightly infected with yeast, it will never cease in its attempts to change the environment within you to favour its expansion.
Just as yeast in dough does not stop until it ferments the whole lump, so it is with yeast in humans. It will eventually permeate the whole body with a transforming influence, as it corrupts the body by admixture, the same as with the lump of dough.
The corrupting influence of yeast will change a human body from a naturally sound condition, to a putrid, rotten, infected, defiled condition, adulterated and destroyed in purity. It definitely will not stop in its attack to turn a sound body into a fermenting mass of unsound impure tissues in which it will continue to thrive until the body expires. If you are infected with yeast it is like having a silent monster inside your body intent on your destruction.
There are more than 40 chemicals put out by the common yeast Candida albicans, of which there are at least 212 known strains. A child in the womb of a yeast infected mother is exposed to about 790 different antigens, due to the Candida activity in her body.1 2 3 4
The Candida species is present in all cancer patients, but unfortunately, researchers have not come to fully realize the yeast connection to cancer. Candida Albicans is very common in people with leukaemia, in fact, it is one of the main reasons why people get leukaemia, but another strain called Candida Tropicalis has also been found in children with leukaemia.
A Med Line report from researchers studying leukaemia-lymphoma revealed that:
The Candida species account for approximately three-fourths (75%) of fungal infections in patients with cancer. Although Candida Albicans is the most frequent cause, Candida Tropicalis is increasingly implicated as an important pathogen. Over a 12 year period 19 children treated for leukemia at our institution developed Candida Tropicalis infections.
We describe their clinical presentation, extent of fungal infection, treatment, and outcome. Fungemia without meningitis in 11 children was treated successfully, whereas Candida Tropicalis meningitis in 7 children was uniformly fatal.
An additional patient had unsuspected, widespread infection detected at autopsy. Multiple sites, including the cerebrospinal fluid yielded Candida Tropicalis. Previously reported risk factors including neutropenia, broad-spectrum antibiotic usage, corticosteroid therapy, and total parenteral nutrition were observed in our cases.
A high index of suspicion and the early use of aggressive anti-fungal therapy are critical to the successful management of Candida Tropicalis infections in children with leukemia.3 [Emphasis added]
Many children diagnosed with leukaemia have finally died from Candidiasis. A very aggressive anti-fungal treatment is vital to the survival of children or others suffering with leukaemia. Leon Chaitow, N.D., D.O., in his book Candida Albicans, on page 4, says:
They report one group of 48 patients with acute myeloid leukaemia that there was such widespread Candida infiltration in the lungs and other organs that ‘entire microscopic fields were filled with mycelia,’ and yet the diagnosis could have been assumed from signs without waiting for the time-consuming proof positive from the laboratory. Half of these patients died from candidiasis, and the doctors assert that, had they been able to attack the yeast aggressively, this tragedy may have been averted.
All human cancer cells have a fungoid composition. The common yeast Candida albicans, a type of subtle monster inside people, can change into a fungus and become a very dangerous predator. Before the yeast Candida albicans or one of its approx 212 strains becomes invasive, it changes to a different form known as its mycelial fungal form. In this new form, it has characteristics that make it very dangerous, in that it has root structures called “rhizoids” enabling it to penetrate through the mucosal barriers of the digestive tract. These rhizoid penetrations damage the wall of the digestive tract allowing the spores of the fungus to enter the bloodstream.
Entering the bloodstream together with these spores, are toxins, chemicals, enzymes and hormones produced by the fungal/yeast infection together with digestive breakdown waste-matter products. Yeasts can derive their nutrients from organic sources––anything that is alive or has been alive can support their growth. Yeasts that have not changed to the mycelial fungal form do not have roots like other plants through which they receive nourishment, but can derive their nutrients via the enzymes they produce.
According to Dr. Orion Truss an expert on yeasts, the yeast Candida albicans ferments sugars in the intestines and produces the toxic substance acetaldehyde. People with chronic candidiasis cannot metabolize this toxic substance acetaldehyde. Because of this, they cannot get rid of it, and as a result, the acetaldehyde causes disturbances in many biochemical and metabolic pathways.
Cancer patients often have a certain smell emanating from them, and this smell is a mixture of acetaldehyde, alcohol, acid, fermentation and other chemicals, which are produced by the affects of yeast and fungal activity in the digestive tract, the bloodstream, and the local area where the cancer is situated.
Laboratory technicians and other practitioners involved in testing people with chronic candidiasis have reported being able to smell the alcohol from the fermentation of sugar in people who never drink alcohol. Drivers have been tested with the breathalyser and found to be over the legal limit in their bloodstream, despite the fact that they had not consumed any alcohol. Very little alcohol is required to affect a person infected with yeasts, because there is already alcohol in the blood.
Dr Nadia Coates, a cancer specialist in the UK, has said that she does not believe that cancer develops unless there is a yeast overgrowth in the small intestine, which causes damage, which then allows absorption of toxic wastes through its mucous membranes.5
Dr. Ruth Cilento, MB, BS, DBM, DAc, in her book ‘HEAL CANCER’-Choose Your Own Survival Path, on pages 222-223, makes mention of Irene Diller PhD, a researcher in the Department of Chemotherapy at the Institute for Cancer Research in Philadelphia. Irene was an expert cytologist, a cell specialist who studied the affects of anti-cancer drugs on cancer cells in animals. One day she noticed a peculiar fungus-like filament sticking out of a cancer cell. She then observed the same phenomenon in other types of cancer cells. Irene began to culture cancer tumours and grew strange-looking microbes. She reported these microbiological findings at a meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science; and Time and Life magazines picked up the story. All this was quoted from The Cancer Microbe by Alan Cantwell.
It is interesting to note that even cancer cells in animals have a fungoid composition. All true cancer cells it seems have a fungoid composition. Some may argue that laboratory produced cancer cells in vitro (in test tubes) do not have a fungoid composition, but these are not true cancer cells. They are not the same as cancer cells in humans and animals with a fungoid composition. They are more like embryonic cells that do not have a fungoid composition.
A very aggressive approach to the eradication of Candida albicans yeast infections, or other yeast infections, is necessary for the successful treatment of cancer. This also applies in the prevention of cancer, and many other illnesses. It is also necessary in the treatment of AIDS.
Dr. Robert Bell, MD., a cancer surgeon of the late 19th century, was one of the first to point out that cancer cells existed only in unhealthy tissue. He further pointed out that they were the offspring of normal cells that had become unhealthy and were now anaerobic in nature. Dr. Bell was aware that the first sign of even the smallest tumour signified an advanced stage of cancer, stating:
The growth, then, in its advanced stage of its existence, being composed of cells of a fungoid nature, has ceased to conform to those physiological laws which govern normal cell life, and its characteristics have undergone a complete metamorphosis, in so far as they have become anaerobic––that is they have ceased to depend upon oxygen as their vitalizing agent, and now like all fungi, absorb carbonic acid, in place of throwing it off as effete matter, which healthy cells do.
Now to understand the great change that has taken place in those cells which have undergone malignant metamorphosis, and bearing in mind that they owe their origin to normal cells, we require to note the important fact that their original and healthy condition was only compatible with their being constantly in contact with, and bathed by, the alkaline blood, whereas when malignancy has become established, their secretions become not only highly acid, but virulently acrid, both of which features, as can readily be supposed, account for the gradually increasing rapidity of development of the tumours, which becomes more and more pronounced as time advances.
As the cancer progresses, in it can be seen the presence of degenerate leukocytes filled with innumerable spores––each of which contains a poisonous alkaloid possessing very similar properties to muscarine (poisonous material contained in many dangerous fungi) if not identical with it.
That the fatal result, which is inevitable in cancer––unless means be adopted to check its progress––is accelerated by the toxaemia arising from the potent poison I have referred to (from fungi), becomes evident, if we compare the symptoms produced in poisoning by muscarine (the poison material contained in many dangerous fungi) and those consequent upon the admission of the virulent cancer juices into the circulation. These are:
depression of the heart’s action and respiration, destruction of the red corpuscles of the blood, increase in salivary and lachrymal secretions––all of which symptoms figure so prominently in the latter stages of the disease. 6
Cancer does not occur quickly, but rather over time. The body may be abused by harmful, nutrient deficient diets and fungal/yeast infections that cause metabolic imbalances for quite a number of years before it cannot cope any further in protecting itself.
At that time, the endocrine glands are dysfunctioning, and the blood, which is usually known, as ‘the river of life’ is full of fats, acids, toxins, and other harmful substances. The bloodstream is no longer ‘the river of life’ but is now sludge, much like stagnant polluted water where there is little or no oxygen and no healthy aerobic life.
When the first tumour is noticed cancer is well established. Early detection is not possible. Many medical practitioners thought that finding the tumour while it was small, was early detection of cancer, but really, this is not so. The conditions, which are known as ‘pre-cancerous’, are used to describe the unhealthy condition of the body cells.
What then is the fungoid composition of cancer cells?
The Fungoid Composition Of Cancer Cells
Let us not be confused about the fungoid composition of cancer cells. I, along with many people thought that Candida albicans provided the fungoid composition of cancer cells, but according to the researchers, the fungoid composition of cancer cells is from the somatids in their mycelial fungal form. The body of a person with pre-cancerous conditions has become so unhealthy that the dysfunctional immune system has allowed the somatids to change to a new stage in their life cycle, which results in cancer.
According to Dr Ruth Cilento, in her book Heal Cancer, Choose Your Own Survival Path, the nuclei of healthy body cells are intact and surrounded by nuclear membranes containing potassium ions. The nuclear membranes protect the nuclei of the cells. The nuclei of body cells are the genetic working centres of the cells, made up of DNA protein in forty-six chromosomes composed of hundreds of genes. The exterior cell membranes made of lipid/protein combinations are also intact, being protected by vitamins A, C, E and its synergistic partner selenium. Sodium ions are kept outside the cells due to repellent electromagnetic charges on the surface of the cells. Each molecule of the individual cells has an electric charge which causes a tiny magnetic charge on the surface of each cell’s membrane. The complete number of molecules of the cell multiplies this tiny magnetic charge, which becomes a repellent force against invaders by contact inhibition. Each cell body is made of cytoplasm, which contains vitamins A and E, and protein molecules attached to sugars. In this healthy condition, the membrane of the cell only allows in what is necessary for metabolism, while letting out waste products.
As the body gradually degenerates because of the above mentioned conditions such as Candida albicans, diet and prescription drugs etc., cells start to become stressed whereby potassium is lost from their nuclear membranes, vitamins A, C and E are lost to adrenal hormones and the cell membranes take in harmful lipids. The cells have now lost their essential electromagnetic charges and are in danger of invasion by sodium ions. Contact inhibition is lost and cells can start clumping together. The protective membranes of the cells have become “leaky” and sodium ions and other molecules can enter the cytopolasms and disrupt their nuclei. The cells’ dividing cycles are started by the chromosomes resulting in: their cytoplasms losing defensive enzymes and peptides, changes in sugars, lipids and proteins, impairment of their oxygen/energy cycles and separation of the chromosomes.
Harmful, toxic substances can now begin to enter the nuclei of the cells and change some of the genes to “oncogenes”––genes with damaged growth patterns. The metabolism of the cells is radically changed causing them to become dysfunctional whereby genes are vulnerable. Cells continue to divide, but each division results in new cells without contact inhibition. Some people suffer with this condition for many years and do not become cancerous. When the first symptom is noticed it is anything up to two years after cancer has been triggered.
Then the somatids––cancer organisms, or cell-wall deficient organisms with unnatural growth hormone manufacturing patterns in their DNA, invade the unhealthy cells through the “leaky” cell membranes and combine with the damaged genes––the oncogenes, reprogramming them to manufacture the unnatural growth hormone similar to chorio gonadotrophin. The fungoid composition of cancer cells is due to the mycelial fungal form of the invading cancer organism––the somatid.
The answer to cancer lies in each person, in his or her organs of elimination and immune system. The diet must be more than adequate during the battle against cancer. A natural diet consisting of raw fruit and vegetables and raw fruit and vegetable juices has proved to be the most successful diet in the many cancer clinics around the world. Candida yeast infections must be starved while the necessary anti-fungal medications are taken, and during this time, sugary fruits should not be avoided, as has been the practice in the past. Nizoral, nystatin and raw garlic, which stop fermentation, must be taken to kill off the fungal infection and the cancer.
The appropriate authorities should implement further testing of garlic injections, both systemically and locally, and upon positive results implement the manufacture of the necessary substance. Until these tests are completed, cancer patients could possibly have Nizoral, injections to kill cancer cells of fungoid composition. Scientific trials with Nizoral should be conducted on cancer patients who do not have liver cancer. Nizoral can have a minor affect on the liver. If garlic will kill cancer cells by killing the oestrogen and unnatural growth hormone producing fungal properties of the cancer cells, then Nizoral, which is one of the most potent anti-fungal medications, may be able to do the same. Treatment with Nizoral, Nystatin and garlic should begin immediately, and the relevant authorities should make their inclusion into cancer treatment the highest priority.
(It has now been found that the anti-fungal medication is not necessary, just the natural diet of raw fruit, raw vegetables and water will kill cancer.)
Cancer research organizations have to continually justify the money they spend, and many of those taking the lead in the war against cancer and AIDS, are themselves directors of pharmaceutical companies. With this conflict of interest, these people are continually looking for new drugs to combat cancer and AIDS. These new drugs are announced as the latest hope in their quest to defeat cancer and AIDS, and the pharmaceutical companies which produce these drugs are expected to make huge profits from their sales.
The fungal composition of cancer cells––the somatids––are responsible for reprogramming the oncogenes to produce the unnatural growth hormone. The fermentation process of the fungi inside a tumour also produces oestrogen, which feeds the cancer cells. As the cancer cells continue to proliferate due to the unnatural growth hormone produced by the reprogrammed oncogenes and oestrogen fermentation, the fungal activity of the cancerous cells produces an environment, which supports their very existence and proliferation. Added to this is the oestrogen produced by the Candida yeast infection. The blood which is now a blood-sludge with more than 40 chemicals including hormones from the Candida fungal/yeast infection affecting it, make the tissues it should bring healthy life to, an ideal place for cancer cells to thrive. You will find in all cases that 100% of the oestrogen in the tumours is actually produced by the fungal fermenting process of the cancerous cells of the tumour, as a cell proliferating process.
It is no longer necessary to be looking for further drugs to destroy the unnatural growth hormone, or to stop oestrogen getting to the cancerous cells, because the cancerous cells produce their own growth hormone and oestrogen, or form of oestrogen, such as e.g. oestradiol, which is also produced by Candida albicans yeast infection. Cancer cells can thrive in the fermenting environment, which produces oestradiol. This unnatural oestrogen production leading to oestrogen dominance or progesterone deficiency causes many other diseases as shown in the chapter on Hormone Replacement Therapy.
Dr Ruth Cilento says that Abscisic acid––(dormin) destroys the unnatural growth hormone produced by some cancer cells. Abscisic acid is contained in all raw fruits, vegetables and seeds, and in all raw fruit and vegetable juices. All fresh raw fruits and vegetables develop abscisic acid at the right time to stop growth and start ripening. This same substance is related to the caratinoid substances, which inhibit the growth hormone in plants, allowing leaves to stop growing, and finally fall off. Abscisic acid does not inhibit normal human growth hormone, but destroys the unnatural growth hormone produced by cancer cells.
In the Sydney newspaper The Daily Telegraph, page 6, on Thursday the 14th of November 1996, there was an article on “breast cancer drug hope” by Amber Muir. The article indicated that new drugs could eliminate the need for surgery. A visiting Scottish breast surgeon, Dr Michael Dixon said that he aimed to preserve breasts affected by cancer. This was supposed to be made possible following the successful trials of a new set of drugs in Europe that target the female hormone oestrogen found in tumours. Dr Dixon from the Scotland University’s Department of Surgery said:
The reason women get breast cancer is at least partly due to the interference of this hormone [oestrogen]. It’s quite amazing if you look at some of these tumours, you find that 100 per cent of the oestrogen in the tumours is actually made in the cancerous cell.
Dr Dixon was to speak at the third International Breast Cancer Conference in the Blue Mountains west of Sydney to promote the new drugs. As I have already shown, these drugs are unnecessary.
According to the article, the drugs known as: anastrozole, loletrozole and vorozole act to block oestrogen reaching the cells, while faslodex, or ICI 182780, works as a pure anti-oestrogen drug.
The Cancer-Oestrogen Connection
In the chapter on Hormone Replacement Therapy, there is more information about cancer and oestrogen dominance. I have drawn attention to the oestrogen producing properties of yeasts and fungi. The affects of the Pill must be considered as well as the out of balance endocrine glands including the ovaries. When we add up the synthetic oestrogen from the Pill, the possible excess from the out of balance ovaries and the oestradiol produced by yeasts and fungi, we have an oestrogen-dominance or an unopposed oestrogen condition, which is really a progesterone deficiency. This, oestrogen-dominance supports the growth of cancer even as cancer cells produce their own supply of oestrogen.
Sherrill Sellman writing about cancer in her article on Hormone Replacement Therapy, pointed to the connection of high oestrogen levels and cancers of the breast, uterus and ovaries. Under normal conditions, oestrogen causes proliferation of the cells in the uterus. When influenced by oestrogen in the first half of a woman’s cycle uterine cells multiply faster, but when progesterone is present with ovulation the cells stop multiplying and begin to mature. The cells then enter the secretory phase that causes the maturing of the lining of the uterus in preparation to receive a fertilized egg. The hormone that stimulates cell proliferation is oestrogen, while the hormone that stops growth and stimulates ripening is progesterone.
Breast tissue is stimulated by oestrogen, and premenstrual women often suffer from breast tenderness and swelling when they are oestrogen dominant, or in other words, progesterone deficient. As a hormone of maturation, progesterone causes the cells to return to balance, thus eliminating breast tenderness or swelling.
Sherrill Sellman pointed out that Western women suffer from a high incidence of breast and uterine cancer, and the evidence shows that these types of cancer occur when progesterone does not come in at the halfway point––at ovulation, allowing oestrogen to be dominant for the full month. Dr Colditz of Harvard University claims that unopposed oestrogen is responsible for 30 to 35 per cent of breast cancers.8
After 40 years of accumulated research at John Hopkins Private Obstetrics and Gynaecology Clinic, researchers compared a low-progesterone group of women with a normal-progesterone group of women, and found that breast cancer occurred 5.4 times more in the women of the low-progesterone group. In other words, women in the low progesterone group suffered 80% more breast cancers than those in the normal progesterone group. These findings were published in the American Journal of Epidemiology in 1981.9
Sherrill Sellman also reported that the study looked at the low-progesterone group of women for all types of cancer, with the results showing that the women in this group suffered a tenfold increase of all malignant cancers, compared to the women in the normal-progesterone group. This suggested that women with a normal amount of progesterone were protected from 90% of all cancers that might otherwise have occurred.10
Continuing Sherrill Sellman said:
In a 1995 study published in the Journal of Fertility and Sterility, researchers did a double-blind randomised study examining the use of topical oestrogen in regard to breast cell growth. The results showed that women using progesterone had dramatically reduced cell-multiplication rates compared to the women using either the placebo or oestrogen. The women using only oestrogen had significantly higher cell multiplication rates than any of the other groups. The women using a combination of progesterone and oestrogen were closer to the placebo group. 11
This exciting study provides some of the first direct evidence that oestradiol significantly increases breast cell growth, and that progesterone impressively decreases cell proliferation even when oestrogen is also supplemented.
As I have already pointed out, yeasts and fungi produce oestradiol, a form of oestrogen. For more information on the cancer-oestrogen connection please see the chapter: Hormone Replacement Therapy
I repeat my earlier advice and urge anyone with cancer to seek Reflexology treatment along with a natural diet (please see chapter on The Proper Food At The Proper Time).
Anyone who has cancer must now realize that their lifestyle must change, especially their diet. Much of whatever you were doing before you were diagnosed must not be continued because it is what led you to this condition. You now know what cancer is, you also know that you can beat cancer. This is the important thing to remember.
The above was written in the 80s and 90s and now there is an easier way to cure cancer in my opinion.
Cancer cannot live in a healthy body, which is an alkaline body not an acidic body.
Cancer can thrive in an acidic body but cannot live in a healthy alkaline body.
As I have said on my you tube video, nothing must pass the lips except raw fruit, raw vegetables and water. However, vital medication such as blood pressure tablets, heart tablets, insulin and asthma medication must be taken. This is the easiest fix for cancer. In 99.9% of cases all traces of the cancer will be gone within 3 to 6 weeks. This means that doctors are not necessary in cancer cures unless some vital bodily function is being impeded and surgery is required to prolong life.
In my opinion research on a cancer cure can now be stopped and people of the world with cancer need to know how to cure their cancer without the aid of doctors.
Of course people should be informed about the "oneness" of disease namely
"Toxaemia of the Bloodstream".
1. Trickett, Shirley., Irritable Bowel Syndrome & Diverticulosis , 1990, p,63.
2. Aandven-P; Bjorneklett-A; Naeland-A., Susceptibilities of Norwegian Candida Albicans Strains To Fluconazole: Emergernce of Resistance. The Norwegian Study Group. Antimicrob-Agents- Chemother. 1993 Nov; 37 (11): 2443-8
3. Flynn-PM; Marina-NM; Rivera-GK; Hughes-WT., Candida Tropicalis Infections In Children With Leukemia. Leuk-Lymphoma. 1993, July; 10 (4 -5): 369-76. AN: 94043981.
4. Chaitow, Leon., Candida Albicans-Could Yeast Be Your Problem? 1996, p 26.
5. Jacobs, G., Candida Albicans-a user’s guide to treatment and recovery, (Optima, 1994), p. 5.
6. Bell, Robert. MD., FRPS, The Cancer Scourge and How to Destroy It, Health Seekers International, Pinetown, South Africa.
7. Lau, Benjamin, M.D., Ph.D., Garlic For Health, 1988, pp., 38-44.
8. Op. Cit, p. 207
9. Ibid
10. Op. Cit, p.208
11. Chuang, King-Jen, M.D., T.Y. Tigris, Lee, M.D., Gustavo Linares-Cruz, M.D., Sabine Fournier, Ph.D., Brunode Lignieres, M.D., “Influences of percutaneous administration of oestradiol and progesterone of human breast epithelial cell cycle in vivo”, Journal of Fertility and Sterility 63:4, 785-791, April 1995.
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