Chemo will Kill you

What the 'professionals' won't tell you...

My friend reversed thyroid cancer on low fat/low protein high raw diet!

Taken from

Just heard the news from her last night. She had her thyroid removed back in the 80s after her doctors found a tumor there. Then almost a year ago her endocrinologist found a lump in her throat and got it checked out.. 'twas another tumor. She tried cleaning up her diet a bit and doing some reiki and other energy work type stuff on herself. Then in august she had another scan: the tumor had shrunk, but it had started to spread, so they called it 'metastatic' (they were all in pretty much the same place where the thyroid was so I think it was a bit of a stretch to call it that). they told she needed to go back on radioactive iodine, do chemo, etc.


She was devastated, and went way off track in terms of her diet. I talked to her about the research showing the efficacy of low protein plant-based diets in treating hormonal/reproductive cancers (high protein diets increase all the hormonal risk markers; dark leafy greens in particular are powerful cancer anti-promoters; high fiber is good, etc.) and not to let the doctor's fear mongering get to her: they are in the business of selling drugs and invasive treatments, and this is their sales pitch. so she cleaned her diet up even more than previously. She also did a number of other alternative treatments that I don't necessarily agree with, including colonics, and seeing a homeopath who gave her a bunch of tinctures and put her on a number of supplements. I'm not sure what effect these would have had, but I can understand why she'd be willng to try everything she could.


In any case, the radiologist did an ultrasound on thursday and it was completely clear, no sign of cancer whatsoever. She's on cloud nine, the past five months were really challenging for her emotionally, and she was not expecting such miraculous news.


I'm not sure what exactly she eats these days, and she says her diet isn't perfect, but it sounds like it's mostly plant based, and she eats a lot of fruit (I had helped her do 811 for a while, so she's not fruitphobic at all). She wants to get back into eating completely raw someday, but she's definitely been doing something right. She was extremely grateful for the assistance I had given her on nutrition in the past, since she believed eating well made a huge difference. I think she's right, and I'm thrilled for her. furthermore, the popular theory that lots of fructose from sweet fruit feeds tumors has been debunked, thanks to her.

there's a growing body of anecdotal evidence showing that eating a plant-based or mostly plant based diet can help reverse a number of types of cancers (see video testimonials here:, so hopefully my friend's story will inspire others to eat healthier.


incidentally, she lent her copy of the China Study to her colonic therapist. He said it was the most important thing he had read on nutrition in 30 years, and gave a copy to a dozen of his friends. the gospel is spreading: even folks who do colonics can't ignore the evidence! plant-based, high carb, high (or all) raw, high fruit, is the way to go.

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Diet is still the main cause for cancer that is why it can be reversed it practically all cases. There are still many places that don't get cancer like we do and the only big difference is diet. It has been shown over and over that you bring the north american diet anywhere and you turn those populations into disease ridden people.


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