Chemo will Kill you

What the 'professionals' won't tell you...

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Animal Fat & Cancer 

Breast Cancer risk increases with red meat 

Animal foods, protein, calcium and prostate cancer risk: the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition. 

"Dairy is 'liquid meat,'" McDougall says. "Compare the macronutrients of cheese and beef — they are the same. Both contain similar amounts of
cholesterol, fat and animal protein, and both are deficient in fiber,
vitamin C and carbohydrates."

Marathon runner, 87, awaits word on record
... He attributes his health to the vegan lifestyle he's maintained since he was diagnosed with colorectal cancer in 1991.

“Terminal” Man Defeats Cancer, Writes About Healthy Living
... Jerrod Sessler. Ten years ago this November Jerrod was diagnosed with cancer. “The doctors told me it was terminal. And here I am now.”
Jerrod avoided the traditional cancer treatments that his doctors advocated at the time. “I switched to a completely healthy, vegan diet. Now I am
healthy and alive.”
He has written of his survival, health and discovery of the benefits of a healthy diet and lifestyle. His book, “Five Percent Chance,” will be
released this December, just in time for Christmas. To preorder (buy
one, get one free) call 206-551-6100. ...

"I Beat Breast Cancer With A Vegan Diet—You Can Too!" 

'I was given a second chance in my life'
Christina Pirello was 25 when she was told she was going to die. The type of blood cancer, acute myeloid leukemia, was very advanced and progressing
quickly. She was given a maximum of nine months to live. ... A sudden
and dramatic change in her approach to food saved her life and
completely changed its direction, she says. ... works with the
Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine and has launched an
overseas tour company that serves local dishes using whole, vegan
ingredients. ... For breakfast, I used to have a sweet roll or even a
chocolate bar with coffee. For lunch I had salad and dessert. For
dinner I had pizza or deli followed by ice cream or chocolate. I drank
lots of juice and ate lots of sugar, cheese and white flour. Now my
diet consists of whole grains, vegetables, beans, nuts, seeds, some
tofu and tempeh. I still love chocolate, but eat only dark and just a
wee bit. I adore desserts, but make them with healthy ingredients and
only once a week or so. ... Without him, I would most likely have died.

Vegan diet and exercise may stop or reverse prostate cancer progression 

Vegan diet and yoga fight cancer 

Vegan diet may reverse cancer 

Drinking tea can reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke but only if milk is not added to the brew, German scientists said on Tuesday. Research has
shown that tea improves blood flow and the ability of the arteries to
relax but researchers at the Charite Hospital at the University of
Berlin in Mitte found milk eliminates the protective effect against cardiovascular disease. ...

Antioxidants in Dark Chocolate ... "Our findings indicate that milk may interfere with the absorption of antioxidants from chocolate ... and may
therefore negate the potential health benefits that can be derived from
eating moderate amounts of dark chocolate." ...

Molecule found in meat, milk and tumours 

What are the major sources of dioxin and related compounds in the human diet?
Dioxins are lipophilic compounds which accumulate in the fat of animals. The types of foods which tend to have the highest dioxin concentrations are
dairy products, meat and poultry, eggs, fish, and animal fats (Eduljee
and Gair, 1996). Green vegetables, fruits and grains are the types of
foods with the lowest dioxin concentrations.
The draft dioxin reassessment concludes that dioxin is a human carcinogen and that the lifetime cancer risk associated with the average person’s
body burden of dioxin is between 1 in 1000 and 1 in 100. This estimate
of risk is ten times higher than EPA’s previous estimate and represents
a very significant public health concern.

Jane Plant: cancer prevention found in diet 

Cancer Survivor Credits Vegan Habits 

Interview with Dr. Ruth Heidrich, a breast cancer survivor 

Interview with Mike Talifero who recovered from cancer 

Gwyneth Paltrow fights cancer curse with food 

Heather Mills McCartney: wants cancer causing dairy banned 

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