Chemo will Kill you

What the 'professionals' won't tell you...

Myth #5 Regular mammograms are the best way to detect cancer

The Truth: Mammograms harm 10 women for every one woman they help

A new study by researchers from the Nordic Cochrane Centre in Denmark found that mammograms may harm ten times as many women as they help.  The researchers examined the benefits and negative effects of seven breast cancer screening programs on 500,000 women in the United States, Canada, Scotland and Sweden.  The study's authors found that for every 2,000 women who received mammograms over a 10-year period, only one would have her life prolonged, but 10 would endure unnecessary and potentially harmful treatments.


Got that? For every 2,000 women receiving mammagrams, only ONE would have her life extended at all!

Ten women, though, would be harmed with chenmotherapy, radiation or mastectomies.  What the study didn't point out, by the way, is that all these treatments are highly profitable for the cancer industry.  Thats the real reason why mammograms are pushed so aggressively onto women.  It's not because mammograms detect cancer: it's because mammograms make them money. (Remember my friend had a mammogram that detected nothing and four months later she had a 5cm lump - this proves once again their as good as useless). To the breast cancer industry, a women is nothing more than a piece of meat with a cash reward attached to it.  The push for mammography is a marketing ploy designed to keep women scared, misinformed and lined up to be poisoned with chemotherapy while they shell out their life savings (American women who have no health cover) for treatments that, for most of them, aren't even medically justified!


Some consider the breast cancer industry a crime against women.  Husbands who beat their wives are considered criminals, they're arrested and can be locked away but those very same men, when wearing a doctors coast, can assault women with chemicals, slice off their breasts with scalpels and even kill those women...all with inpunity.  There's not a single breast cancer doctor who has ever been arrested for the death of a patient.


The true history of western medicine's violence against women In time, of course, this will change.  Medical violence against women is a crime, regardless of whether the weapon is a fist, a baseball bat or a syringe full of chemicals that will cause permanent damage to her vital organs.  In time, chemotherapy will be outlawed and breast cancer doctors will be put out of work or prosecuted for their crimes against women.  I really feel sorry for my surgeon NOT, he told me he sees 200 women patients a year here on the Gold Coast, he specializes in breasts and is one of four on the coast in this speciality - it starts with the mammogram service sending in the referals.


My breast surgeon has a lovely office up at Southport and its decorated in that lovely shade of pink we see advertised everywhere at certain times of the year.  And set into the reception area wall are aprox 7 bronze breasts of different shapes and sizes, these he informed me are real molds of womens breasts before he surgically removed them.  This is what he likes to do best.  I never forgot my first option given by him, Option A - double mastectomy, Option B - the right breast or Option C - Lumpectomy, and you should of seen how upset he was when I wanted the third option, I wanted to go slowly at this point because until the  lumpectomy is done you dont really know where you stand as far as your diagnosis goes.  Unfortunately my diagnoses was not what I hoped for but I'm glad I had miminal surgery, why remove both breasts if its already metastasized, its a bit like after the horse has bolted, I had no intention of chasing it around my body.  But this is typical of what they offer.  My girlfriend did have the diagnosis I wanted, a non invasive lump and lymph nodes clear and yes it was a 5cm lump, but the size of the lump is not indicative of what grade of cancer you have.  Netherless she was frightened by the surgeon at Robina hospital to have both her breasts removed and have chemo for 6 months.  To me this was outrageous and not necessary.  She could have kept her breasts, gone natural with diet and other alternatives, but was to scared and frightened by the medical profession.  Unfortunately she is now another cash cow caught in the system sill seeing her doctor and new specialists, eg skin specialists etc as her various new health problems emerge.


My last checkup with my family GP was on the 13th Dec 2010, who my husband reckons is secretly impressed with how I'm going, he uses words like remarkable when he looks at up to date blood tests etc (because once again they were excellent) and keeps saying to me I can't believe you don't have any symptons yet, you looking so healthy - and I say I AM! I have never had such vibrant good health and due to healthy eating and my husbands super green juices I fully intend to stay this way.

Views: 55

Comment by Freelee on December 21, 2010 at 21:31

Fantastic info !


I think these discussions would be best in this category because they tend to disappear in the blogs :(

Comment by The Nut Lady on December 22, 2010 at 11:11

Thanks Lisa for posting these, we need everything we can muster to convince people there is another way to fight Cancer

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