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I currently am recovering from my second breast cancer surgery. I have officially rejected chemo & radiation and am looking for support & hope to share information as well.
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Hi Christina, I was originally diagnosed with stage 2 breast cancer in July 09, then unfortunately after I had my surgery (lumpectomy & lymph node removal - had about 1/2) in September 09 they gave me my new diagnosis of metastaized breast cancer - stage 4. Due to my family history both Grandmother and Aunty who died in their mid to late 30's they wanted to quite aggresive treatment on me, a double mastectomy, radiation and chemo & full auxiliary clearance both arms of my lymph nodes. Due to my diagnosis I thought the treatment was a bit like "after the horse has bolted" so to speak, and decided to go for quality of life over quantity. My specialist yelled at me when I refused all further treatment "you'll be back" and I'll see you in 6 months" I guess thats how long he estimated I would last before symptoms became to bad for me to handle. Well to have good quality of life as long as possible, I saw a natropath and chinese herbalist, both who I'm still under, did many dietary changes and I'm in excellent health today. For example, I played tennis on Saturday with my daughter and neices for 1 1/2 hours in the morning and went to a yoga workshop from 4 to 7 in the evening. I do two yoga classes a week, I go to belly dancing every week, and have 4 beautiful grandchildren, age 4, 2 and the twins 6 months and do babysitting nearly every week and they all often sleep over, so believe me you need to be fit and healthy to look after that lot. My heart goes out to you as hospitals are not fun, so if I can be of any help please let me know.
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